Friday, 14 November 2014

‘White Widow’ terrorist reportedly shot dead in Ukraine

“White Widow” Samantha Lewthwaite, one of the world’s most-wanted terrorists, has reportedly been shot dead in the Ukraine by a volunteer Russian sniper.
The 30-year-old mother of four, wanted by Interpol and several countries including Britain and Kenya, was assassinated two weeks ago in the Ukraine, the Russian news agency Regnum reported Wednesday, according to Britain’s Daily Mirror. The report of her death has not been verified.
She was believed to have been fighting alongside Islamic State terrorists.
Lewthwaite is the widow of Jermain Lindsay, one of the suicide bombers in Britain’s worst-ever terror attack in 2005. She disappeared a few months after the subway bombings and is believed to have participated in terrorist plots in Kenya, trained jihadists in Somalia and aided the al-Shabab terrorist network.
She married a second time, to a British-born Muslim with extremist views who was reported killed in a shoot-out in Somalia between rival factions of al-Shabab in 2013.
Around the time of his death, she is believed to have masterminded the September 2013 slaughter at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, where terrorists armed with assault rifles and grenades systematically made their way through the upscale shopping center, killing at least 67 people. Witnesses said a white woman was among the attackers.
She escaped Kenya with a fake passport claiming she was from South Africa. She has eluded authorities ever since.


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