Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Collins Sampson My music’ll bring peace and heal many –Collins Sampson, gospel singer

UK based Nigerian gospel singer, Collins Sampson, after two years of recording in the UK recently launched his debut album in Nigeria entitled A New Me. In this chat with The Entertainer, Sampson talks about the journey so far.
Tell us about yourself?
My name is Collins Sampson. I am a contemporary UK based gospel recording artiste, a multi-talented singer, a prolific song writer, music director and an anointed Worship Leader. I hail from Akwa Ibom.
How long have been in music?
I have been in the music industry for over three decades. I believe that music, especially gospel is not just a platform for entertainment but a channel for evan­gelism and ushering people into God’s presence.

When did you start doing music professionally and where?
I have been actively involved in not just music ministration but aiding both small and large church choirs through vocal training, music directing and production for a very long time.
Lets talk about your new single, how are music lovers reacting?
My debut single You Are God is mak­ing waves and has gone viral on social media. I also hope that one day, my music will not only be played globally but also in the most remote areas across the globe bringing peace and healing to many hearts.
When did you drop this album?
My debut album entitled A New Me was launched and release in October 2014.
What was the inspiration behind A New Me?
The inspiration behind this album is taken from 2 Corinth 5:17; there is a rebirth that is the new me.
What was the experience like working on the album and how long did it take?
It took two-years and it was a great ex­perience working with a prolific producer like Wole Oni.
Any indigenous track on the album and how many tracks do we have? Yes, there’s an indigenous track entitled Itoro Ejiro which means Praise. It is a medley in Efik and Urhobo.
Do you have any favourite song on the album?
All the tracks are my favourites.
Why the choice of Wole Oni as the producer?
In Wole Oni I found a man who could best interpret my style and ideas and give me a world class sound


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