Monday, 26 January 2015

Ebola crisis: WHO promises reforms

The World Health O r g a n i z a t i o n (WHO) has set out plans for reform, admitting that it was too slow to respond to the deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
At an emergency session in Geneva, director-general Margaret Chan said Ebola had taught the world and the WHO how they must act in the future. She said the corner had been turned on infections but warned over complacency.
More than 8,500 people have died in the outbreak, the vast majority in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. Dr Chan said: “This was West Africa’s first experi­ence with the virus and it delivered some horrific shocks and surprises.
“The world, including WHO, was too slow to see what was unfolding before us. Ebola is a tragedy that has taught the world, in­cluding WHO, many les­sons about how to prevent similar events in the fu­ture.”
Dr Chan said that al­though disease outbreaks would continue to de­liver shocks, “never again should the world be caught by surprise, unprepared”. The reforms announced in­cluded a “dedicated contin­gency fund to support rapid responses to outbreaks and emergencies”.
There would also be improvements in interna­tional co-ordination and greater support for coun­tries that needed to respond quickly to emergencies. This would also require vaccines and drugs to be brought to the market more speedily.
Liberia announced on Friday that it was down to just five confirmed cases – there were 500 a week in September. Guinea and Si­erra Leone have both also experienced falls in infec­tion rates.
Dr Chan said the worst-case scenario had been avoided, but warned: “We must maintain the mo­mentum and guard against complacency and donor fa­tigue.” WHO figures show 21,724 reported cases of Ebola in the outbreak , with 8,641 deaths


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